Friday, November 26, 2010


Affirmation:  I am filled with hope, curiosity, and awe, a sense of adventure, gratitude and compassion.  Some qualities are emotional and some are traits.  Traits need to be developed and cultivated.  I think the ones in this affirmation represents the best of traits, the ones that I am working on cultivating.  This Thanksgiving was a great time to practice the trait of gratitude.  I believe most of us probably looked at our lives this weekend and truly felt a sense of gratitude for all we have.  A friend of mine recently returned from a volunteer trip to Ecuador.  The first thing she emailed to me was how grateful she was to be living in the United States.  But what about other days?  How often do you take the time to look at your everyday life and find the things you can be grateful for?  I have one friend who lists three things every evening before bedtime that she is grateful for.  I believe if we take the time to be thankful on a regular basis for even the small things, eventually we will be able to be thankful for all of our life experiences even the ones that at first may seem more like trials.  At least that's my hope.
"When it gets dark enough, you can see the stars."  said Charles A. Beard

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