Friday, February 15, 2013

Rising with Christ

Affirmation: I know by meditating on Jesus throughout my day, I am in union with the Divine, miracles are created and without struggle my life is transformed in ways beyond my imagination.

Lent is upon us. As I write this Ash Wednesday has passed. Lent is one of my favorite times of the year.  In the Catholic tradition, ashes are smeared on one's forehead in the sign of a cross with the words, "Remember that thou art dust, and to dust thou shalt return." Genesis 3:19.   It is a reminder of our mortality and of the promises of Christ of our life to come. Lent in the Catholic faith is the time to prepare for the death and most importantly, the miraculous resurrection of the Son of God, Jesus Christ. Wow! What a story! And, we are called to travel with Him on His journey. We are called to stay present to the time, the season, the death and the rebirth. It’s a time that takes many of us out of the depths of “winter” and into the fullness of “spring.”

One of the challenges offered to us during Lent is to make it a time of sacrifice. We are encouraged to deny ourselves and to do works of mercy. Oh, I don’t think it has to be any great effort but we are called to do something so that we are more aware of the 46 days; so we stay more present to the Lenten season. It’s a gift we give ourselves.

If you grew up with this concept of Lent, you know the first question most people are asked about their Lenten practice is, “What are you giving up for Lent?” While I understand it is a season of fasting and abstinence, it’s also a time to rest in the Lord, to take time to listen to God's voice, to the voices of our Angels and Guides. It’s a time to share those things that are truly precious to me; my time, talent and treasure. It’s a time to plant some seeds and to tend to them so they may produce the flowers and fruits of love and joy. Now, that is something that takes quite a bit of guidance. What needs to do be done to create such a bountiful harvest?

Several years ago, Father Emmanuel from Africa gave the Ash Wednesday homily. He had a very eastern approach to Lent. He said he had watched our American culture take on more, do more and struggle more during Lent and he wondered if maybe we shouldn’t consider “doing less.” Doing less!! Oh my, now that's a self-discipline I might find very difficult to embrace. I like to “do.” I like to be busy, busy, busy. I like to think I’m making a difference in the world. I’m contributing; I’m making the world a better place to live. And now, I am being challenged to do less.  At another time another visiting African priest also presented the concept of doing with less.  This time he suggested we fast not only from food but from the internet, the TV, radio and newspapers.  Instead of focusing on worldly events, he suggested we use all that free time to connect to God.

How can denial and service be a gift we give ourselves? Well, it takes 40 days to develop a habit and this type of exercise can be seen as an opportunity. I know many people who use the Lenten sacrifice as a time to diet. I can’t count the number of people who have shared with me that they give up chocolate or sugar. Maybe that’s worked well for them. Perhaps every time they have that craving, they find themselves more present to Christ and his sacrifice. But, besides a restrictive diet, we need to take up the badge of service, find something we can do for another. There are so many in such dire straits right now. How can I be of more service than I already am? Maybe I need to go through the house and give up a few coats and other items of clothing. One of my dear friends is always reminding me that someone else could be using the items I have left untouched for months and in some cases, years. Perhaps, it’s a time for me to be a prayer warrior. How can I add more prayer to my daily practice especially for those most in need? Maybe I can send a note or make a call once or twice a week to friends I haven’t touched base with in a while? I can pray for them, offer up a day for them, and send them a visible sign of my love, like a note or a card, even an email might work. I’m sure you can think of many other ways to give back.

And, what can I give up? What new habit can I develop over the Lenten season that won’t simply reduce my waistline but will add to the quality of my life, my life and hopefully the lives of all those I touch? I decided to give up ingratitude. Ingratitude is defined in the dictionary as “forgetfulness or poor return for kindness received.” A synonym is “thanklessness.”

I live a life full of abundant blessings. I am a very lucky woman. I am loved by my family and have many wonderful friends. I need and want nothing. I am beyond lucky and extremely grateful. I am safe, secure, and healthy. But, every so often envy slips into my psyche. I’m admitting it. I can still find myself listening to or watching others and wonder what I did wrong. Why didn’t I make that choice; why didn’t I travel that path; why do their lives appear so easy, so full? Sometimes it’s little things that I find myself dwelling on and other times, it’s some major issue. But, that doesn’t serve me or anyone else. Whether I give credit to God, to fate or to my own hard work for the life I now live, being ungrateful is plain wrong. By giving up ingratitude I found myself noticing when I undermine my own happiness and I stop and let it go. Perhaps by letting go of ingratitude for 46 days, I’ll develop a new habit. Maybe by the end of Lent, I will rise too, to a new awareness, a new way of thinking about my life; a way that brings me and those in my life, a sense of greater peace and joy.

I have accepted the challenges presented to me for this season and have decided that with my “free” time, I will pray more and I will listen harder. I believe that with these steps in practice, I  open myself to God’s grace and move forward in whatever direction I am led. I’ve decided not to be in charge but am hoping that by focusing on my faith, on my relationship with Christ, I will be led to that place where it’s not up to me how I use my time, treasure and talent, but up to God and that with the guidance of my Angels and Guides in those quiet moments, I will be used as their instrument.

This is my Lenten practice.

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