Sunday, June 12, 2011


Affirmation:  I am loveable, I am worthy, I do well.
Oprah Winfrey ended her 25 year show this June.  I think I missed a lot because I am not an avid television watcher.  I rarely have the TV on during the day and now, with DVRs I rarely watch more than an hour of TV in the evening.  I once had a very good friend suggest I Tivo the Oprah show and watch what was of interest to me.  I also had another friend tell me if I watched more Oprah I would probably take fewer classes, since she teaches about almost everything in which I am interested.  I think they were both right and I didn’t take their advice to heart or I just couldn’t seem to find the time to watch her daily show.  But, I did DVR her very last show.  I have now watched it twice and I will very likely watch it again.  Her theme was what she had learned from her viewers over the years.  I actually went back and took notes.

“There is a common thread that runs though all of our pain and all of our suffering, unworthiness, not feeling worthy enough to own the life you were created for.  We often block our inherent blessings because we don’t think we’re good enough, smart enough or pretty enough or worthy enough.”  She went on to say, “You’re worthy because you have been born.  Your being here, your being alive makes worthiness your birth right.  You alone are enough.” 

Do you believe that?  It’s the same theme over and over.  We are so much more than we seem.  We are spirit, we are eternal, and we are children of God.  We were created to bring light and love into this world.  We don’t need to do anything else in order to do that.  But, should we choose to go out into the world and bring our love and our energy, we need to do it with a sense of power and compassion.  We were created to shine.  Let your light shine.  Do not act small, do not shy away from life, it doesn’t help anyone.  By believing in your worthiness by acting as if, you give permission to all those lives you touch, to be and to feel the same way.

Open your heart, do not be afraid.  In yoga we practice “Open Heart” asanas.  Take a deep breath, pull your shoulders back, open your arms, and smile.  Inhale and breathe into your heart, as you exhale, see the love and energy shinning out, as you inhale, feel the love and positive energy filling you up.  Believe it.  You are loved; you are worthy.

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